Combine the benefit of stock trading with the advantage of an offshore brokerage account. All our IBC formations come with full offshore trading accounts included for access to international markets.
Holding a brokerage account under an IBC name ensures complete confidentiality and privacy while trading. Orders are placed under your IBC name rather than your personal name. Offshore banks have been using this technique for years to accommodate vast fortunes offshore.
Once your IBC has been established you will have the choice of opening a domestic brokerage account, in the name of your IBC or if you wish, an offshore trading account.
Whether you chose to trade through a mainland account or an offshore account your IBC will provide you complete confidentiality in your trades. This is because your account will be treated as a completely foreign company as long as you do not open an office or conduct any business in your home country through your IBC.
An offshore brokerage account will allow you to trade internationally on most exchanges. Buy stocks, invest in European markets, purchase bonds, mutual funds, currencies, treasury bonds, bank CD’s and commodities. Our offshore brokerage accounts are also very competitively priced with costs matching onshore brokerage houses while operating in completely privacy.