An offshore merchant account is a unique account established with an acquiring bank in an offshore country that allows merchants to process card-not-present transactions. Offshore banks tend to more lenient with regard to their underwriting policies. As a subsequent result of this, it becomes easier to acquire high risk merchant accounts with offshore banks as opposed to domestic banks.
If you are having challenges obtaining a merchant account for Internet or mail/phone order transactions, we can help. International IBC Banking provides services to Canadian, United States and International merchants. We specialize in high risk merchant accounts that banks will not consider. Merchant Category Codes (MCC) that are on a bank’s prohibited and restricted list, we will accept. Banks consider these merchants too risky. Our approval rate is 99% on all merchant accounts we place. If it is a legal business, we will accept. Here are some of the high risk merchant accounts that we will consider for high risk credit cards and United States and International ACH check processing:
General eCommerce Merchant Accounts | Online Pharmacy Merchant Accounts | Online Gaming Merchant Accounts | Online Dating Merchant Accounts | Online Cirgarette/Tobacco Merchant Accounts |
Replicas | Money Transfer | International Call Center Accounts | Forex Merchant Account | Vape and paraphernalia |
Multi-Level Marketing Merchant Accounts | Time Share Merchant Accounts | Infomercial Merchant Accounts | Downloadable Softward Merchant Accounts | Outbound Telemarketing Merchant Accounts |
Prepaid Phone Card Accounts | Vitamin and Herbal Product Merchant Accounts | Travel Tours including Tour Guides Merchant Accounts (as well as any type of travel account) | Kratom and Peptide Merchant Accounts | CBD and Hemp Merchant Accounts |
TMF Merchant Accounts | Canadian Merchant Accounts | International U.S ACH Merchant Accounts | High Risk U.S Merchant Accounts | Canadian and U. S Retail Merchant Accounts |
Many merchants wonder whether or not they will be required to register their business offshore in order to have an offshore merchant account. The answer is quite simple: no. It is not required for a merchant to incorporate offshore in order to receive an offshore merchant account. However, here at International IBC Banking we often suggest to our clients that they should incorporate offshore. The reason for this is because we believe that in an internationalizing world, it is pertinent to internationalize one’s operations. It is also extremely important, particular in a high risk industry, to create and infrastructure where you and your assets are protected from lawsuits and aggressive tax collectors.