Businesses benefit from ACH payments. There’s no need to wait for customers to write checks and have them lost in the mail. ACH payments are received more quickly and reliably, and there’s no need to forward checks to the bank and wait for processing.
Consumers also benefit from ACH payments. There’s no need to write checks and get them into the mail on time. If using automatic ACH payments, they do not need to keep an eye out for bills – everything runs on autopilot for better or worse.
The Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments system was designed to allow corporations and consumers to reduce or eliminate the use of paper checks to make routine payments. The ACH system can process large volumes of individual payments electronically, and it has become the largest payments system in the country; in 2000, it processed over 4.8 billion items with a total value of more than $12 trillion. To date, most of the payments transferred over the ACH have represented recurring credit payments intended for the accounts of the receivers. Typical payments are salaries, consumer and corporate bill payments, interest and dividends, and Social Security and other entitlement programs originated by the U.S. Treasury.
However, because of the ACH’s ability to process large volumes of payments efficiently and its ability to allow an originator to debit the banking account of the payer, it increasingly is used for other types of payments, such as insurance premiums, purchases of stock, and consolidation of corporate cash balances
ACH processing provides a secure and private electronic payment transfer system that connects almost all the financial intuitions of the U.S. It is not just a faster option but is also hassle free and provides a cheaper alternative for the eCommerce businesses. More and more eCommerce businesses are becoming dependent on the ACH processing system for their activities, allowing it to evolve further.
Your bank, financial institutions and merchant account provider can help you setup an ACH process. A few basic benefits of ACH Processing are its cost effective solutions and faster services. It makes you and your company of gaining a quick cash flow with a more flexible structure.