Credit repair merchants offer valuable advice to their customers on how to improve their client’s credit. Credit repair merchants are often denied by banks due to the high risk of fraud associated with the industry. At International IBC Banking, we are able to place our credit repair merchants in secure banks at affordable rates.
Due to our efficient and quick screening process, we are able to evaluate merchants based on their business and their business models allowing our merchants to receive approval as quickly as possible.
Due to the incredible amount of fraudulent activity and scam artists in the credit repair industry, the industry has been plagued with unfortunate presumption that prevent honest merchants form acquiring merchant accounts. Fortunately here at International IBC Banking we are able to recognize promising businesses and aid you in opening an account based on your business plan alone.
Getting into the credit repair business requires knowledge, diligence and money. You should have some money set aside if you want to start up this sort of business. You should also have a thorough knowledge of all the applicable laws.
Credit repair businesses will benefit from our multicurrency processing options. We offer several options with regard to international currencies and with this feature our merchants have successfully internationalized their businesses by entering into a global market. We get our merchants an acquiring bank and increase the overall level and strength of our merchants.
At International IBC Banking, we understand there is a high demand for this kind of business considering the nature of current international economy. Due to the unfortunate consequences of the global recession many people are unable to adequately pay off their debts and living expenses.
The importance of this industry is paramount. We aim to aid not just our merchants but all those in need of in credit repair. By applying this personal approach to our clients, we are able to achieve quicker approvals and better rates for our merchants. Apply with us today and we’ll get you approved.