St. Kitts and Nevis
International Merchant Processing


Why incorporate in Dubai?

Dubai is considered the focal point of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and one of the main business hubs of the Middle East.  With its posh lifestyle and secure banking system, better than that of Switzerland, the UAE has become a playground for the rich and famous.  Dubai’s state of the art banking system can provide you with the ultimate of security and privacy for your asset protection needs.  Also with its centralized location, it is an ideal location to conduct business as it is conveniently surrounded by Europe, Africa, and Asia.

The UAE is currently one of the fastest growing economies in the world and Dubai has established itself as a secure and global leader in several business sectors.  This country has a strong economy with the national oil reserves are roughly at 97.8 billion barrels. It has also successfully diversified its economy, as to not put all its eggs in one basket, into tourism, trading and industrial production.  Dubai is also conveniently located to a number of different and important countries such as Russia, India, and China.   The close proximity of these powerful economies has acted as an impetus for several businesses to open up corporations and bank accounts in Dubai.

Please note, that when opening a bank account in Dubai you are required to visit that bank in person.  Once the corporation is opened, you can fly into the local airport and we will arrange for you to be picked up and driven directly to our office.  We will then sign all the necessary banking papers at our office and complete the bank account opening.

Features of Dubai corporations include:

  • 100% tax free
  • Complete foreign ownership (no local sponsor required)
  • An IBC may only maintain customers outside of the UAE
  • All businesses are allowable except financial institution, banking, and registered agent (unless licensed)
  • Complete secrecy and confidentiality.
  • Minimum of one director
  • By owning an IBC you are able utilize over 47 different tax treaties.
  • One may open a local bank account, invest in securities or funds tax free, and obtain a mortgage for investment in UAE properties.
  • Can own property in UAE freezones (upon approval)
  • Incorporation only takes 1-2 days
  • Annual audit reports are not required to be submitted to authorities.

Features of banking in Dubai include:

  • State of the art baking system which includes features such as internet banking and credit cards.
  • No exchange controls
  • No withholding taxes
  • This is a safe haven which offers complete confidentiality.
  • RAK banking offers a wide variety of investment and wealth management solutions.

Compliance and Safety

One of the fastest growing economies in the world the United Arab Emirates.

Renowned for its extravagance and first class lifestyle, Dubai has also gained a reputation for being a transparent, tax-free, corruption-free and a no-red-tape location to do business. Its booming economy and the fact that it is a major international sector has attracted hundreds of large, medium and small businesses from every part of the world.

Now, International IBC Banking is making it possible for non-resident corporations, entrepreneurs and individuals worldwide to enjoy all the advantages which were available only to resident entities.

At International IBC Banking, the sole raison d’être is to help your business succeed. From the very outset, it was conceived to allow you to unleash your entrepreneurial spirit by making it easier and more cost-effective to start and operate an offshore business. International IBC Banking offers businesses and individuals a wide range of comprehensive services and structures that are dedicated to non-residents.

It is of paramount concern to the government that Dubai’s reputation is not tainted by the use of the jurisdiction for money laundering or other illegal purposes. Therefore, International IBC Banking, as a licensed Registered Agent is expected, in accordance with a set of strict guidelines, to carry out proper due diligence and ‘know your customer’ checks so that we are satisfied as to the identity of the clients and the legitimate origin of the clients’ funds. Although total confidentiality is ensured by the legislation, the authorities will cooperate with law enforcement agencies and regulators in case of illegality.

Uses of an Offshore Company in Dubai

There are a number of business activities which are suited to be operated through an Offshore Company, these include:

  •      General Trading
  •      Consulting and Advisory Services
  •      Holding Company (buy/hold/sell stakes of companies)
  •      Investments and Joint Investments Company
  •      Property Owning
  •      International services
  •      Professional Services
  •      Shipping and Ship Management Companies
  •      Commission Agents Company – Intermediary Brokers (IB’s)

It should be noted that we also are able to open corporations in Ras Al-Khaimah (RAK).  Contact us for more details on this solution.